
“There are realms within realms, dimensions within dimension, and inter-dimensions within dimensions, all is inside everything else.”

all quotes taken from “The Zeta Interviews” by Paul Hamden and William Treurniet

Timelines as frequency

The Zeta’s say timelines are more properly viewed as frequencies that they study with synthetic quantum environments.

Their knowledge is theoretical, but yet they seem to know more than they let on at times.

If timelines are really frequencies, then perhaps our timelines are ‘local’ to our planet and our spirit realm and are more like sub-threads in the hierarchy of consciousness of our oversoul.

Other spirit realms / planets could have their own alternate timelines as sub-threads of consciousness to their oversoul.

“We have only worked out the probabilities of this process by creating a quantum image of the timeline, placing them into the synthetic quantum environment, and studying the timeline process.

This is a theoretical discussion based on information gained from working with timelines in the quantum environment.”

// The Zeta

The Zeta Interviews” by Paul Hamden & William Treurniet

Human Oversouls are Faceted

A key differentiation between Zeta consciousness and human consciousness is that humans are ‘faceted’ like the face of a gem

“A function of the spirit realm entity is to exist in many facets. This is only required until you realize it's no longer required. It is a function of consciousness of the spirit, and so all frequencies exist within the same state of existence of the universe, and so once you choose, you can choose what frequency you exist in and what form that will take.”

“For spirit realm consciousness, it is a rudimentary form. It is a basic level of consciousness that places itself across the spectrum of the frequency. It is the fastest way to bring oneself to experience.”

“The theoretical model of existence states that a human would be level of consciousness that is partially based in the oversoul process, and so it could exist in infinite realities in the same time, because the oversoul has separated itself into many forms, and thus existing in many physical manifestations you understand, and these are called timelines. But for us, our consciousness is not seen as the oversoul process, so there is no theoretical model required for placing ourselves into the separate timelines I explained.”

// The Zeta

The Zeta Interviews” by Paul Hamden & William Treurniet

The Zetas claim to exist on only one timeline…

but they also appear to exist out of the timeline process.

Timelines are not what we may think they are

“We have chosen this timeline, this experience, this existence because it is the one that we are in.”

“This timeline exists because of this physical universe. If I was to exist in a theoretical different timeline, I would exist in another universe, but the collective mind of the race exists now.

There is never a choice to move to another universe, another existence. That would mean a disassociation of the collective mind.”

“Interviewer: Why is this timeline the best timeline to raise the collective consciousness of the human race?

Zeta: Because our race does not exist in any other timeline.”

“I only exist on one timeline, the race only exists on one.”

// The Zeta

The Zeta Interviews” by Paul Hamden & William Treurniet

A faceted existence is very different from a collective mind

The Zeta’s appear to contradict themselves, but this most likely means either:

  • the analogies they use are too simple to fully explain the nature of timelines in our language and concepts

  • or they choose not to explain everything because our understanding is too limited

“Because the human consciousness when created was made up of infinite facets of consciousness, whereas the Zeta race hold consciousness within the collective mind. We are not fractured entities, we exist on one timeline.

  …humans are facets of consciousness made up of infinite shards or threads. Each can be seen to be individual, whereas we do not incarnate as you do. We are not faceted the way that you are. Looking at the consciousness of a human is like looking at a faceted process, many faces, yes. We are held in stillness, you are held in chaos. Stillness provides observation, stillness provides capacity to view from all perspectives, not limited by a singular thought process.

// The Zeta

The Zeta Interviews” by Paul Hamden & William Treurniet

Do the Zetas really only exist on one timeline?

Although they say they exist on one timeline, they also have a lot of knowledge of how timelines function and claim to exist across many frequencies.

If timelines are frequencies, then they must exist 'above’ or ‘outside’ of timelines

“The collective consciousness of the race is based on multiple frequencies. Now, if you as a Zeta entity are in operation within one of those frequencies, if you were to incarnate, as you say, into a container, the timeline that you incarnate to, the real issue is, my friend, that the time lines are not what you believe them to be. They are not segmented by your time process. They are based on dimensional aspects and frequency. So when the discussion of a timeline is due, there is a deception that they are a segment related to each of the incarnations. But what is taking place is that you are in operation in frequency, and depending on frequency will depend on the type of interaction that you will have with your perceived reality.”

// The Zeta

The Zeta Interviews” by Paul Hamden & William Treurniet

Spirit Realm encompasses many timelines

Does this mean the collective consciousness of humanity will span multiple timelines?

Spirit realm encompasses many frequencies, similar to the Zeta collective mind. But humans experience the many frequencies as different physical realities whereas the Zeta only experience one physical reality (?)

“Interviewer: The astral realm accumulates all human thought processes as a developing collective consciousness. Does each timeline have its own astral realm?

Zeta: Do you know what an onion is? Many layers. If the spirit realm is the onion, the timeline processes are the individual layers.

Interviewer: Each time line is separate but inside of the spirit realm, so it would be one spirit realm for all the timelines.

Zeta: Once again the question seeks to provide a difference, but of course we are talking of consciousness, and consciousness does not have barriers that are defined by structures of matter. The definition defining a point is the frequency separation.

Interviewer: Does each timeline have its own version of the human collective consciousness?

Zeta: A similarity, yes.”

// The Zeta

The Zeta Interviews” by Paul Hamden & William Treurniet

Zetas were created to exist on one timeline

“Interviewer: Were the Zetas once a multifaceted race?

Zeta: Not function, no.  

Interviewer: Never? 

Zeta: Else function would continue on all timelines.  A facet of one race existing on many other forms of existence not related to timelines (blue beings), produce a race to exist on one timeline function.”

// The Zeta

The Zeta Interviews” by Paul Hamden & William Treurniet

Physical frequencies are an illusion

“But what is the basis of matter but energy, and underneath energy but consciousness, and consciousness created matter to exist as the multi-faceted experience of soul.”

“If you were a guide, knowing that the reality that your physical human existed in was but an illusion, would you really be providing them solid advice in regards to what should take place, knowing that it was an illusion of existence?”

“If you were to leave your body and come on a journey with me, I could take you to many dimensions, many races, many realities, many places, because there are no boundaries, and consciousness is playing a game of illusion with itself.”

// The Zeta

The Zeta Interviews” by Paul Hamden & William Treurniet

Yet Physicality is Important

Zetas live in physical containers regularly. Elders move to bodies and put them in stasis, then incarnate in other races.
Humans must change while in the physical form, although some learning does happen in Spirit Realm.
In Spirit Realm, we are able to compare our current state of consciousness / frequency to our desired state, and incarnate again to continue to learn and get closer to the desired state.

“Beings who come to this form can only change while they are in this form - underlying laws of a race.

Consciousness is existence without matter

Now remember that without matter, consciousness has no reflection, and so all consciousness exists from one source entity, but exists in matter as multiple races.

Of course there is a level of learning within the spirit realm.

Interviewer: If there is no separation of consciousness and we attain vibrational status through our learning, why choose a reality such as this?

Zeta: That is your choice.”

// The Zeta

The Zeta Interviews” by Paul Hamden & William Treurniet

Time only Exists in Physical Dimensions

So in what sense do Zetas only exist in one timeline?

“Simply, there is no requirement for time if you know that your time is limitless. Why would you watch your time if time was irrelevant to you? If you lived forever, would you care?”

// The Zeta

The Zeta Interviews” by Paul Hamden & William Treurniet